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Lesson 1 || intro to web10 + web10 hello world

Make a Web10 Account + Identity
  1. go to your institution's web10 app store, and click on web10 social [example].
  2. in web10 social, hit the login button. The web10 auth popup should open.
  3. if you haven't signed up for web10, sign up for web10
  4. [optional] to be able to recover you password, add + verify your phone number!
  5. approve the requested services, and successfully log in!
  6. go to the my bio page, change the photo, bio, and name, hard reload the page.
  7. go to the my bio page, and make a post.
  8. add some other people in the class as contacts.
  9. hard reload the page, and load the feed. you should see your friends posts!
  10. congratulations, you made a web10 decentralized identity / account.
  11. the web10 app store is a PWA! Try installing it on your phone home screen via. chrome.

Make Your First web10 app!
  1. make a new repl html, css, js project
  2. copy all of the lesson 1 files into the repl
  3. in script.js, set the web10Auth variable to your orgs auth server.
  4. set the web10Reg variable to your orgs web10 provider.
  5. successfully log into your repl app through web10.
  6. your username should show up! try logging out.
  7. on repl, hit the github branch icon , commit, and push your changes to a new repo named web10-lesson1.
  8. host your lesson 1 github repo to github pages!
  9. visit your web application on github pages. should be GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/lesson7
  10. this should register your web app to the app server.
  11. Go to your orgs web10 app server in the web browser. your app should be up.
  12. Try changing the name of your app in the manifest.json to something unique.
  13. Look at the organization app store again. Congrats on publishing your first web10 app!

app not started